From 3G to 4G(LTE)

What is 3G and 4G?
As we are aware that most cell phones and smartphones are using the 3G service for serving the Internet. At the first we must understand that what is the 3G?, Its means that 3rd Generation Network. It is used for both the voice and the data access.
While 4G has also standard for the wireless communication and also has its share of loyal customers in the some parts of the world. It is also the 4th Generation network.
4G is to be considered as the 10 times faster then the 3G.
 Of course, like everything else 3G and 4G Networks have their own characteristics, 
3G Network: 
As in early days of the 3G network, this was to be considered that it is the fastest wireless communication service ever in the world, many organizations, carriers and peoples were happy to adapt this,
3G have is own pros and cons, 
->3G offers the faster data transfer then that of up to speed about 2Mbps
->Developers can use this service to design maps and create positioning services which are regularly visited  
    by the younger populations.
->This network also offers the powerful multimedia services, by which you can develop app, and 
    billing systems.
->Those who wish to develop voice apps are be very happy to use this.
->3G is preferred platform for many cell phones games specially those who has powerful graphics.
->Advanced developers can use this network to develop apps for mobile TV, IM and chat.
->Because subscribing to 3G networks is expensive, you should understand that its users are limited in
    numbers.Most users will not prefer to use 3G as its cost deters them.
->Also 3G customers enjoying the video conferencing sessions with other 3G customers,they may not do too much more then that.
->3G is available in the most part if the world today, still have to catch on the some notations, Users on those 
    countries may have to option for other type of networks. 
            4G Network
The extended version of the 3G network is the 4G network. Although it is not develop in most of the countries of the world, we can say that it is just develop in the USA, Now it is the fastest communication network in the world.
->4G offers very good for advanced mobile phone services such as video streaming, It offers much higher speed then the 3G and the Wi-Fi.
->Unlike Wi-Fi, 4gG have extended coverage and provide more constant connectivity.
->Users specially business users are more like to use 4G network.
->It provides more security then Wi-Fi, and provide the safety and privicy of the data.
->You can choose very wide payment options.
->Many Companies introducing low-cost 4G introductory offers.
->Through 4G network the coverage is expended rapidly, but till now it is not available in many locations in  
    the world.
->4G offers the high impact of connectivity, It is still in the formative stages and can cause the bug.
-> You will have to purchase the wireless modem or take a modem on the rent, This is available on the 
     responsible rates.

In contrast the both the 3G and 4G are provides great deals in terms of speed and quality.. Though the 4G is on its early stages of growth , it is expected to catch on and it will hope that it will become the premier connectivity in coming few months.

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